We have to take "Standards of Business Conduct" training - and I use the word training loosely here - about once a year. It consists of watching really horribly acted little skits and then answering whether we think it was a good or a bad thing (hint, the answer is always "you will be fired"). Thanks to this round of training I now know that I shouldn't
- Display hard core porn during a presentation to a customer - specifically kiddy porn. It is generally frowned upon to have porn on any company computer.
- Funnel money to a shell company under my name or a name of a relative.
- Use the company credit card to fund a night of wild debauchery.
Wow, can't wait to hear the outcome of sexual harassment 'training'...
no staring at tits in meetings. also, crotch-grabbing is not an acceptable substitute for shaking hands.
So wait, is softcore OK then? Software, softcore, I get confused so easily.
We all know crotch-grabbing is not acceptable - what about the football-style chest bump?
Please define "wild debauchery"...as the Oracle Amex has bore the brunt of many festivities that could falkl into that category