Halloween pictures are up for consumption on flickr. I elected for the slightly more artful over the shoulder shot than the "crazed goat man" shot that seems to have chosen itself to be the lead photo in the flickr set:

The rest of the set
In addition, I need a recommendation. As is starting to become typical I got the flood of traffic related to all things duff and halloween (topped seven digits, woohoo) however I also managed to temporarily hork the machine which serves up all of the tentacle-y goodness that is ATK... specifically I used too much CPU time making the images switch and dance around in the background.

The rest of the set
So... What say ye? Work on making the dancy, snazzy, jumpy pictures work without taking down my account or try something new? I know there are a few shots in there that some might wish not ever see the light of day again *cough*vampire jeni*cough* but I kind of like them :) So yeah, thoughts?
I hope my Duffman email didn't clog up your inbox all too much. Just wanted to say thanks for the belt instructions. As for your question, I say try something new, even though my opinion doesn't hold much weight. Because I don't weigh very much (therefore the Duffman "muscles") :)
I vote for keeping the background and perhaps adding some new pics into the rotation. Since you have a predicitable spike in October, you could pull down the background just for the month.
I chose to celebrate Halloween the old fashioned way...by burying my dad. Or, to be more precise, to commemorate him being incinerated. Joy.
How was game night? What games were played?