So I decided to shave my head. No particular reason, just kind of bored and am facing down a good two solid weeks of tough work so it seemed like the logical things to do. So far I have only one observaction:
I am cold.
It may just be that it's no longer 90 degrees and sunny outside, but sitting in the office I'm a whole lot colder than I typically am. You wouldn't think a really short head of hair would retain that much more heat than effectively no hair, but you'd be wrong.
Ahh well, I'll be warm again in 2 - 4 weeks depending on how fast it grows.
pictures please!!! :P
Nothing that a tube sock won't cure.
Yeah, when I shaved mine last, we had a cold snap the next day...
I never really noticed, myself.
have you considered this fancy new invention? it's called: a HAT!
As a triathlete, a few years ago I decided to shave my legs for a race. For those who scoff, actual wind-tunnel testing has shown that, all things being equal, the drag created by hair on a bike-rider's legs can cost around one minute per 10km. Really! As a man, shaving my legs was a new experience to me. Sawing through 30+ years of fur was not a trivial undertaking. Total elapsed time was around an hour and it took three razor cartridges. (I'd like to point out at this juncture, that the "touch up" shaving, three days later, took only about 45 seconds. Also, as a note to women who shave their legs every day, given the choice between shaving my face and my legs, I'd much rather shave my legs. It's a lot easier, faster and less likely to lead to embarassing publicly visible abrasions.) Observations: 1. It's cold. Scoff if you want, but until you have lost the insulating layer of fur that we men take for granted you have no concept of how devestating a difference of one or two degrees of temperature can be. I will never tease my girlfriend about being cold again. 2. It feels wet. When you have hair, you don't realize how it forms an invisible, but very real, physical barrier between your skin and other things. Like, for example, clothing. When cloth touches shorn skin, it feels like you've been dunked in water and gotten dressed while still wet. 3. Itchy. When hair grows back in, it isn't all soft and supple. No, it's sharp, pointy and stiff. And it comes in direct contact with sensitive areas of ones body every time you sit down, walk, run, move or breathe. (maybe not so much a factor with a shaved head, but still).
And on a completely different note:
Interesting, long ago I read an article about mountain climbing. They say that if you keep your head warm, your whole body will remain warmer as well. If your head is cold, your body will partially cut circulation to your hands and feet in order to allow more blood to reach the head. This theory goes hand in hand with your little story :)
so did you shave it??? there really is nothing live a shron's breathtaking - I highly suggest you try it!
was having a brain fart and wasn't thining about what you wrote...just wanted to plant the Dr. Evil comment...duh! did shaved it!!!!!