Apparently Angry gnome was missed. It went something like this:
There was a new addition to the roadragers that accompany me on the drive to work today. Mr 60-in-a-school-zone and Ms. Death-by-SUV joined up with the angry gnome. Angry gnome is a man perpetually trapped behind slow moving traffic. He's hunched over in his little beat up civic, white hair sticking straight out from his head, wearing blue blockers. He's obviously in a hurry because he'll try and get around a semi only to be trapped by a delivery truck. What's amusing though is that every time this happens he lets out a piercing cry, "Nooooooo!". He's got his windows down too so it carries for quite some distance, the first time I heard it I was about three cars back I think.
tailgate, taligate, swerve, vrooom, slam on the breaks, NOOOOOO.
Aww, I liked Angry Gnome
I liked angry gnome too, I just need to write it better :)
Dude, I never saw angry gnome!
i never saw angry gnome either :( i want a garden gnome in my tomato pot on my deck... if anyone has an extra one lying around (or finds one at goodwill or the like) my birthday is coming up ;)
I have ready access to gnomes. What size are you looking for betty? :) I'm trying to remember what I wrote now. Something akin to this: There was a new addition to the roadragers that accompany me on the drive to work today. Mr 60-in-a-school-zone and Ms. Death-by-SUV joined up with the angry gnome. Angry gnome is a man perpetually trapped behind slow moving traffic. He's hunched over in his little beat up civic, white hair sticking straight out from his head, wearing blue blockers. He's obviously in a hurry because he'll try and get around a semi only to be trapped by a delivery truck. What's amusing though is that every time this happens he lets out a piercing cry, "Nooooooo!". He's got his windows down too so it carries for quite some distance, the first time I heard it I was about three cars back I think. tailgate, taligate, swerve, vrooom, slam on the breaks, NOOOOOO.
ohhh yes i remember that post! that was a good one! not that i'm against addie in any way, but it's too bad you took it down.
I'll have to splice the above comment in. I like it better, the timing/feel of the older one was just off - just didn't like the way it read. But since I own the database this is all driven off of, a-splicing I shall go.
I don't know, the Darth Vader reference in the original was a nice touch that elicted some powerful imagery.