June 2004 Archives


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I'm riddled with disease. Voluntarily of course. Got my first round of innoculations for Ecuador - Hep B (I already have A) and a tetnus booster. a week from now comes yellow fever and typhoid (my last one expired) followed by more Hep B.

Now I consider myself to have a relatively high tolerance for abusing my body. Broken bones or lots of bruises and I'll moan to get beatiful women to care for me but that's about it. I don't mind the sight of my own blood but other people's bothers me a little. But microbes. Microbes and viruses and all of those little buggers just rule me. Today started off feeling like I'd been whacked in the shoulders with a baseball bat. Now it feels like someone opened up my insides and decided to start plugging organs into different organs just to see what would happen.

Sort of takes me down a peg or two in toughguy-ness. The 70 year old ex navy guy with a huge grim reaper tatooed on his forearm (caption:death warmed over) that used to frequent my grocery store would be shaking his head in shame right now.

Dog language

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There was a study recently - I only know about it because it was mentioned on the morning show I listen to - that mentioned that dogs would probably be able to speak if they only had vocal cords. Speak as in use language. There are dogs with 200 word vocabularies, they figure that dogs can reason, lots of stuff. I decided to "test" my dog.

I have new data to offer the study. Dogs can understand speach, but not song. I had "play that funky music, white boy" in my head from having watched too much of the New Guy and sang "do you want to go for a walk" at her. Nothing. Now normally she'd be racing towards the door before I finished "do you want". I tried a couple of times, and while she did enjoy Queen she still didn't get what I was saying. Fascinating.

The study concluded, the patient was rewarded with a cookie and a walk.


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Go me, I've got a GMail account. woohoo, gig of free storage. drhobbes@gmail.com is now mine. I would have liked Zack but it was too short and kraken was unfortunately already taken. Getting the account was a rather interesting process. We'll do this backwards, ala momento.

I got my invite from Tony. Tony got his invite from GmailSwap. His offer for the invite was his "pope necklace". The "pope necklace" was a blessed rosery I gave him after I got back from italy (he had my blessing - ha - to offer it as a trade). He wanted to offer it because he isn't a devout catholic and figured someone who was would enjoy it more. I offered it to him because I had an extra and knew he was raised catholic. I had it to offer because I bought one too many on my rosery buying spree. I saw the pope. I went on a rosery buying spree because I was going to see the pope and he was going to do some kind of area-effect bless thing. I went to italy. I was born.

there, backwards all the way to the beginning :)


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Eurotrip definately came out on DVD recently, there's been a resurgance in downloading of the Eurotrip Mail sound - doubled the amount of downloads in the last week or so (10k, woohoo). It made me comb through the logs because I'm always curious.

Tony's novel is getting decent traffic, thanks all. He's going to try and add more content, let me know if it breaks in any way. duffman@ for all of your emailing needs.

Speaking of duffman, one of the high ranking referrers was from another guy's costume page. In a compliment to him someone said it made me (and my custome) look like a tool. Now come on. The paint flaking off the boots was crappy for sure, but a tool? that's a little harsh isn't it? I also apparently look like Brandan Epps (whoever that is).

Some random fool linking a 5 meg MP3 as the background sound for their homepage tends to spike the old bandwidth. right now he has a broken link though I'm really tempted to replace it with a recording of someone screaming obsenities :) Anyone care to volunteer? Bill?

Finally, food for thought. Over the last few days I've spent a disproportionatly large amount of time around homosexual couples and have found that a couple of guys is a tad odd at first but quickly forgotten, but a guy and a "woman" in heavy powder makup and scarf to hide the adams apple remains unsettling for the duration of the conversation. Not sure how homophobic that makes me. Probably way too much information to share here :)


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I got a wonderful little bit of nostalgia today. I miss "Treats" the cat.

I'm at the dog park and there's a little beagle racing around chasing anything that moves and somethings that don't. "Farley!" call his owners, he happily ignores them. "Farley, here boy, come on!", nothing. "Cheese!" Farley comes running.

For those not in the know, Tiff has a slightly less than brilliant cat named Adolph. Adolph loves to cook his little kitty mind by placing it right on top of a heat register and barely has the motivation to breathe in and out. Call him, nothing. Call "treats" and he comes running. Well waddling.

Passive Aggressive

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We have, what Scott has decided to label, a "Passive Agressive Rock Pile". Our front yard has a rock wall - or rather had a rock wall - that we've torn down to rebuild (we have the technology...). So basically we've had large boulders cluttering part of the common drive to our house for a little while - just a few feet off to one side but still. The other day I came out of the house to find two rocks set in front of my car. Just sitting there, vaguely reminicent of the Blair Witch Project. I figured scott had moved them for some reason and went along my way.

This morning there were more. I called to scott and asked him why he was piling rocks in front of my car, he said he thought I'd been doing it.

So there you go. Someone clearly upset with the state of the boulders in our front yard but not confrontational enough to say anything about it. The passive agressive rock pile.

Well don't worry, they should be stacked by end of day saturday.


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