time crunch

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Ahh, to be in Paris and freaking cold! It having finally dawned on me that I leave tomorrow at noon, I just checked the weather for paris for the coming week - it'll be snowing the day I arrive and should peak to a high of 40 whole degrees while I'm there. I don't mind the cold, but it poses an interesting packing problem for me. I've never (besides ski/snowboard trips) travelled anywhere colder than seattle. Even if the place is capable of being cold, I always travel when it's really warm. As such my packing usually includes one pair of shorts, a pair of pants that can be zipped into shorts, the occasional pair of jeans that never get worn and a whole mess of T-shirts. That's obviously not going to cut it in the cold and I'm not really sure how to pack light with heavy clothes. Layers I suppose, we'll see.

Today consists of laundry and packing, then running to a few stores for the things I've invariably forgotton (I already can't find my travel towel, and douglas adams would be loathe to see me on the road without a towel). After that it's twiddling my thumbs and reading through books to see what it is exactly I want to do for my 7 days. There are the obvious attractions, but the only slightly less obvious destiantions that people have been able to suggest to me are:

  • The Museum d'Orsay - that won't be spelled at all correct, but it's supposed to be fantastic.
  • Rodin's museam - I want to see this just so I can finally see Caryatid Fallen Under How Stone in person. See "stranger in a strange land" for why.
  • A strip show - and this is because, I quote, "French boobies are really nice".
And that's it. Two museums and a peeler bar. Well I guess it makes for a well rounded experience :)

Then I'm home, have a few days to recover from jet lag and I'm back to work again. I don't know what it is, but this 100 days has flown by so much quicker than I remember the previous two. Odd spacing of activities I suppose.

Send me an email (duffman still works) or leave a comment if you want a postcard. I can't remember anyone's address so that's the only way you'll get one. And don't worry, paris shouldn't afford me as many opportunities to send cards with a dozen shots of statue genetalia on them as rome did... well probably not :)


If you want to see "French boobies" as you so eloquently put it, don't go to a strip club. GO TO THE MOULIN ROUGE. Then you'll also be seeing a world-class show. It won't matter that you don't understand the songs. I saw Faerie there in 2000, and it was by far the very best live stage show I've ever seen, including Broadway. It was amazing. Can be a little pricey depending how close you want to sit, but it is worth it. When I went, it was like 100 francs to watch from the bar on the back wall, 250 francs to sit and have champagne (included) on the upper level (rear half), and 700 francs to have dinner on the floor by the stage. At the time we were trading 7.15 francs to the dollar. Since you're interested in seins français (and yes, they are more than nice), I'll give you the details: you'll see about 100 of them, walking, running, and dancing (read that: giggling, bouncing, and swaying), which will hold your interest for about ten minutes, and then you'll be desensitized and able to pay attention to the drama and dancing. Appréciez leur perfection, mon ami, si vous allez. (Et entrez avec un appareil-photo caché)


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