Loyal Army

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There appears to be quite a few people actively creating duffman costumes, a couple had questions and took various means to contact me about them, so I figured I'd make things easier.

If you have any questions or want pointers or wonder where I bought something, just email me at duffman at this domain (sorry, no link, spammers and all that). I'll be happy to share anything I can.

In return, or even if you just want to, I'd like to see how any of the costumes you made turned out. So if you feel like sending a digital pic of you at the party, or steps during creation, or whatever - it would be cool to see them. If I get enough (or any really) and you don't mind, I'll post them.

Wow, two posts in one day when I'm not traveling, do I hear the sound of four horsemen approaching?


Here's a vector version of the Duff logo. Since it's vector, it scales really nice. http://logo.nino.ru/main/?text=duff&id=135 Rock. .j

A PDF version for the cans. http://nospacebar.dyndns.org/duff.pdf

I have a question for you. I found your website after a little searching because I am designing my Duffman costume for this holloween. When you did the heat transfer paper for the Tshirt logo, how did you get the white to go on? I'm guess you used the iron on logo paper and printed it with a printer? Thanks for the great ideas for the belt, it's coming along nicely. Oh Yeah! TJB

Yep, you're correct, I just used Iron On paper rather than heat transfer paper. That's caused the largest amount of confusion and I should probably go back and correct it. Basically I just printed out a big duff logo, trimmed the outside stuff away and ironed it on. Good luck.

Is there any possible way you can send me the logo you used for the t-shirt. I am having some trouble finding an adequate logo. Scuba

Is there any possible way you can send me the logo you used for the t-shirt. I am having some trouble finding an adequate logo. Scuba


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