
I got hassled by Nestle security last night.

Well okay, they were pretty polite - polite as security guards can be I guess. I went out to do some test night sky photography shots and figured a town near seattle named Duvall would work fine, it's about a half hour away and mostly shielded from all of the light polution. My boss lives near there and after having to drive him home once I got lost and found the Nestle training center (I kid you not) out there. Besides the brightly lit compound it's mostly just acres and acres of open fields - figured it would be a perfect spot.

I pulled off into just some random driveway that dipped down below the road (I hoped this would shield me from any random passing cars. As I'm pulling out my tripod - seriously no more than like 30 seconds after I stop - a truck with flashing orange lights pulled up and a guy gets out demanding to know what I'm doing on Nestle property. I explain and he says that's nice and all but I still have to leave.

So let that be a lesson to all of you, never mess with the chocolate cartels, they mean business.

I got about a dozen test shots at various exposure times and aperature settings last night (400 speed film). I wanted to drop them off on the way to work but the camera store wasn't open, I'll try again tonight. The 6 and 9 minute exposures should be interesting since two of the three of those I shot were in an area where occasionally car headlights would sweep through the trees. The camera was mostly shielded and the light never touched the lense but I have no idea how much light bleeds in in long exposures. I guess we'll see.

If any of the shots turn out (they were all of orion/mars or directly overhead since those were the two things I could identify) I'll post one.


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