
While DefCon was enjoyable, I wish I'd known more about what was to be presented and when before hand. Or even when I got there really - that was probably the worst laid out guide I've ever seen. Shirts were cool though, but unfortunately no one noticed the subtle difference in my "Pr0n st@r" shirt. Granted on a bright orange shirt proclaiming your profession in adult entertainemnt, Hacker misspelling is probably the last thing you notice.

Which kind of leads me to this: I wish I documented more. There were people there taking pictures of everything, recording the presentations and just what was going down. I used to take pictures of everything, I've got a little over a thousand digital snaps from about an 8 month period, but I've gotten out of the habit. Even though it's overwhelming to sort through it's still cool to have a pretty good chance of having a record of something you recal. Of course the real problem is that every time I do want my camera it's always on the desk at home. Bah! Anyway.

Work is not something I wish to discuss, today was less than stellar anyway. Save exceptionally amusing things I don't really want to come back and read about how crappy my day was that day. Sure it would be acurate and all, but mostly just depressing. "wow, I hated work for like 2 months there, that's kind of sad".

And now I'm desperately craving food. Just "food". Since I missed lunch pretty much anything will do.


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