August 2002 Archives


There was talk last night at bowling of a shirt. Looking around online it wouldn't be too expensive to silk screen up a couple of shirts for the hell of it, but I'd need a logo of some sort. It occured to me that I probably shouldn't use the copyrighted megaman logo that's currently in the upper corner of the page. So today I got to play graphics designer during lunch :)

I'm not terribly good at it, but fiddling with graphics and general site design as opposed to just mechanics is one of the parts of my professio I really like. One can argue that elegant coding is an artform/form of expression, but it can get a little stale. So every now and then I enjoy the chance to fire up Paint Shop Pro and have fun.

My first attempt, general layout may be a bit too dotcom, but I like the logo, and it's easy to put on a shirt :)

Right Wing News

Every now and then I comb through the logs to see who's comming to my site and how they got here. Since the text of the front page changes (though not too quickly) it isn't often from searches. Asside from one disturbing referral from a erotic fiction site about a year and a half ago most of my hits come from threads, various web comics referall lists or the ever useful "self referred". But this last month I got a few dozen hits off of Right Wing News. Fark had a nice flame thread going based on an article posted on RWN and my comment was to post a picture (the one on the right). Well it turns out the author of the piece that started the whole "discussion" had been looking for that picture for a while. To quote:
After I saw this image in a Simpsons rerun, I spent 30 minutes looking for it on the net but it was nowhere to be found. But someone named Sawbones from the website 'Arr, the Kraken' posted it in a thread on Fark about my 'Confessions of an Isolationist Wannabe" editorial.

Best image ever =D

It's kind of cool :) It's basically just ego surfing, but I always like to see my name (or handle in this case) on interesting sites. So I've made it to MSDN,, Cockeyed (though only briefly) and now Right Wing


Not quite as cool as RWN, but decidedly stranger, I apparently got linked from page 5 of an AltaVista search for "lumping OR hemlocks OR precipitation OR manicured OR celebrated". What the hell could they possibly have been searching for?!?

Changing of the guard

The woman who used to work the grill here at work is gone, aparently she was replaced a month or two ago. Now there are two guys doing her job. I don't think many people liked Linda, she was kind of mean, and tended to shout a lot when she wasn't outright yelling at you, but man could she work a grill. These new guys, there are two of them remember, handle (brace for it) no more than two orders at the same time... total. It isn't like they each handle one or anything, one guy does the cooking and the other guy handles fries. That's it. I keep thinking, "come on man! I can manage to cook 4 burgers at once by myself, it isn't that hard!". I think I just miss having a surley ex-con make my bacon burgers.

It was really only a matter of time...

Working back at Xbox I have to get used to the whole swag-of-the-month thing whereby we get something with the Xbox logo stamped on it about once a month. I saw two guys discussing the latest Xbox branded tidbit they'd gotten (not everyone got these I guess). Both thought it was cool but wondered why it was yellow instead of green like all other Xbox stuff was.

It was a condom.

If you ignore the vast amounts of comedic fodder condoms being given to geeks provides and ignore the likely sexual harassment aspects of handing out condoms at work, it is pretty cool. Not ignoring those it's at least funny. But why are they yellow?

How many calories?

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So how many calories does Jack Daniels have? Camping this weekend brought about the creation of Jack and TAB. Since TAB is supposed to be zero calories per serving, if Jack has no calories you've just found the perfect drink for a low calorie diet. well sort of.

But now is not the time to wonder. Now is the time to go shave and shower off several days worth of wood smoke.

In case I forget myself, Slideshow.


While DefCon was enjoyable, I wish I'd known more about what was to be presented and when before hand. Or even when I got there really - that was probably the worst laid out guide I've ever seen. Shirts were cool though, but unfortunately no one noticed the subtle difference in my "Pr0n st@r" shirt. Granted on a bright orange shirt proclaiming your profession in adult entertainemnt, Hacker misspelling is probably the last thing you notice.

Which kind of leads me to this: I wish I documented more. There were people there taking pictures of everything, recording the presentations and just what was going down. I used to take pictures of everything, I've got a little over a thousand digital snaps from about an 8 month period, but I've gotten out of the habit. Even though it's overwhelming to sort through it's still cool to have a pretty good chance of having a record of something you recal. Of course the real problem is that every time I do want my camera it's always on the desk at home. Bah! Anyway.

Work is not something I wish to discuss, today was less than stellar anyway. Save exceptionally amusing things I don't really want to come back and read about how crappy my day was that day. Sure it would be acurate and all, but mostly just depressing. "wow, I hated work for like 2 months there, that's kind of sad".

And now I'm desperately craving food. Just "food". Since I missed lunch pretty much anything will do.


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