February 2002 Archives

Also... MSDN

I'm in the MSDN now :)

It's nothing too spiffy, I'm just cited as a "Thanks to" in a couple of the Web Q&As - and granted one of the questions I answered wasn't really hard - but it's still pretty cool.

Yeah that's right, who's da geek.

ATK is a template

Coolness for me - or for this little vanity site - or whatever. I got to use it as a demonstration for design concepts here at Xbox. Well not the whole site, mostly just the posting page. I don't use it often, but I have a DIV that is flagged as content-editable and a tiny bit of javascript that hauls the innerHTML from the div into the textarea submission box.... hey, wake up.

Anyway, the people here who are.... less than technically proficient love the idea that they can just type like they do in word, hit control-b for bold, type links and have them turn into links, etc and then "magically" transform what they just typed into HTML to post on their sites (this is rather than using MS Words hideous html exportation feature). So to show it in action I pointed them here.

Yay for me

New Music

I usually don't update this main area when I stick a new song up for listening pleasure, but this current one is just so odd I've got to. Mr. Oysterhead's self-titled track. It's primus meets TMBG (kind of - mostly just primus).

Man, it can't be 5:00pm soon enough.

Transylvania 6-5000

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I get my new cell phone today, it's the nokia 8260 - small so I can actually carry it around - and it can take custom ringtones. To my surprise the vast repository of the Internet does not in fact have a ringtone like the phone from Transylvania 6-5000. Maybe it's the fact that the sound is more annoying than squeeking styrofoam on a blackboard, or the fact that the movie pretty much sucked (which is of course why I like it). So I must take it upon myself to create the beast. If I get a halfway decent sounding one I'll post it here, if not.. well.. I'll still probably post it here.


A photoshop entrant on Fark lead me to search down a picture of Beaker of Bunson and Beaker on the Muppet show. I loved that combo. Anyway, picture attached.

YASD (yet another strange dream)

So three of us (myself, a random nameless 25 year old, and McGuyver) are in charge of the entire nuclear power production for the city. It's late at night in the power plant when all hell breaks loose and we need to shut the reactors down and restart them. The other two have to stay in the control room while I run around the plant floor shutting down and carefully recalibrating the reactors. all three go down without a problem, but after getting the first and second back up the third poses many problems. Claxxons are sounding and it's getting VERY VERY hot (never good in a nuke plant). Steam, much radiation, several earth jolting jerks by the first two reactors, then we remember that running coolant through the core rather than running three reactors dry might be a good idea. Everyone lives, the city has power, then it's off to a party.

Maybe the cat fell asleep on my face or something, because that's almost (but not quite) as random and strange as the time I was hunted down by the russian mafia for trying to help the princess escape from the mall with the psychotic hotdog and swimsuit vendor.


The Gallery is up now. It's got about 90 pictures in it so far, they're mostly just random shots I've taken with my camera over the last 3 years, but some are from the same time (vegas trip, heli skiing, driving to california for a metal sphere that's still just sitting in my room, etc). The image titles now are just what the files used to be named and there are currently no descriptions/captions on any of them. Nor are there any defined galleries - there's just ALL - I'll do that later too. I'm the guy in most of the pictures with a red ring beard.

Now back to actual work.

Yup, luck held

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A brief update - yes, the spookily consistant Birkenbuel luck held. Went in with 12 dollars, came out with 30. High stakes poker, I know. Wow, first post that could have fit comforatbly in a varchar(255).

New look (sort of)

Cleaned up the PHP and HTML code a bit today. Little things like making sure every page actually referenced the global CSS and that said pages didn't include style tags in the head that overwrote anything in the CSS (unless I really really meant it).

Comics are going to get an overhaul next. The frame in the middle of the page is hoaky as all get out and takes up way too much space. Plus this will allow for a bit of text about each comic to be there.

Travel, Gallery and Projects are to come. Travel should be mostly text and some pictures - though most will link to the Gallery. If I need to explain Gallery then the world's in serious trouble. Projects will be for things like my recent completion of a Pac-Man arcade table (measurements, wiring, board troubleshooting, etc).

Poker night tonight. I haven't played in about 5 months, but I did okay last time. We'll see if the just-this-side-of-unholy Birkenbuel luck still holds true :)


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