It's nothing too spiffy, I'm just cited as a "Thanks to" in a couple of the Web Q&As - and granted one of the questions I answered wasn't really hard - but it's still pretty cool.
Yeah that's right, who's da geek.
It's nothing too spiffy, I'm just cited as a "Thanks to" in a couple of the Web Q&As - and granted one of the questions I answered wasn't really hard - but it's still pretty cool.
Yeah that's right, who's da geek.
Anyway, the people here who are.... less than technically proficient love the idea that they can just type like they do in word, hit control-b for bold, type links and have them turn into links, etc and then "magically" transform what they just typed into HTML to post on their sites (this is rather than using MS Words hideous html exportation feature). So to show it in action I pointed them here.
Yay for me
Man, it can't be 5:00pm soon enough.
Maybe the cat fell asleep on my face or something, because that's almost (but not quite) as random and strange as the time I was hunted down by the russian mafia for trying to help the princess escape from the mall with the psychotic hotdog and swimsuit vendor.
Now back to actual work.
Comics are going to get an overhaul next. The frame in the middle of the page is hoaky as all get out and takes up way too much space. Plus this will allow for a bit of text about each comic to be there.
Travel, Gallery and Projects are to come. Travel should be mostly text and some pictures - though most will link to the Gallery. If I need to explain Gallery then the world's in serious trouble. Projects will be for things like my recent completion of a Pac-Man arcade table (measurements, wiring, board troubleshooting, etc).
Poker night tonight. I haven't played in about 5 months, but I did okay last time. We'll see if the just-this-side-of-unholy Birkenbuel luck still holds true :)