June 2001 Archives

Oh, life is sweet.

I got back from a meeting today to find a message on my cel from my dad. It seems that my younger brother starts work tomorrow, I can't wait. It has been somewhat of a tradition in our family that the kids must work construction for at least one summer. It certainly taught me the value of a dollar (one pair of jeans was about 6 hours of slogging through slurry). I've been looking forward to this day for a very long time *grin*.

A little back story: My younger brother is a night owl (work starts at 6:30-7:00 am) and very cocky (pissing of most workers is a bad idea). When starting out "working construction" means being a laboror, which basically means moving things about, tearing down formwork after a pour, and scraping plywood. Scraping LOTS of plywood. Plywood that's been infused with concrete. Oh it's great fun :)

I think Martin and I may have to plan a lunchtime visit to say hello to little Darin.


I just took a look at Andy Piro's page (BigNasty.net) about his world travels. Oh man I have wanted to do that for so long!

I emailed andy to pick his brain about how you even begin to prepare for something like that. A dozen countries to get access to, an equal number of plane, train, and/or ship voyages to work out. It's mind boggling, but so much fun too.

Because I am such a geek I think I'm going to have to look into PHP's image generation function - think world map combined with GPS coordinates. not realtime or anything, that would just be psycho :)

I also need to increase the size of this text submission window. 5 lines is not big enough to see jack! Rambling now. Time to code.

- Zack

Comics a go-go

The funny pages are up at on comics.php3. Add a query (comics.php3?view=zack to see the ones I read with great regularity) to filter by who reads what. Others may eventually have their own profiles, but it's just me for now.

As a note, MySQL can bite my shiney metal ass! no subqueries, bah!

Stop! Hamoo Time

Yeah I stole the title from Lum the Mad but it was so perfect :)

It's probably more sad that now I have that song stuck in my head.


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